Why I wanted to start a blog.
So I thought setting up a blog and hitting the ground running would be easy. And although overall the act of setting everything up was simple, having the discipline and motivation to write has not. I also realized that I had the wrong intention, I thought I should be creating something for other, something to help, motivate and engage others rather than something to help, motivate and engage ME.
Start a blog for yourself, not the readers.
I’m not sure exactly where I read this but it really resonated with me. I need to write for myself and not for others. And as I thought about this more, I realized it was truly the reason I wanted to start a blog anyway. I have always been researcher and writer, I am inquisitive and am always looking to learn. I am organized, punctual and a chronic planner, so this means I have lots of tips and tricks to stay motivated and on track. But even as someone with all sorts of tricks, I can still get off track and feel unmotivated, which is really what led me here. I wanted an outlet to share my ideas, feelings, what I am working on, what works for me and what doesn’t, and probably my over-analysis of E V E R Y little T H I N G.
And quite frankly, the other reason for starting this blog is, I want to get out of my comfort zone. I consider myself some what of an introvert, which will probably come as a surprise to most people who know me. I am not sure this was always the case, but as my Myers Briggs confirms, I am a proud ISTJ. A creature of habit, who can be outgoing, but I find it at times to be emotionally draining. One downside of being a creature of habit is also its very easy to get discouraged and feel like you are in a rut. And that’s why I decided to start blog … to keep myself motivated, remind myself of what I am good at and maybe help a few others stay organized and keep on track.