• A weekend with no alarms.

    This is the first weekend in as long as I can remember I didn’t make a detailed plan of my weekend. I did make a list of all the things I needed/would like to accomplish, but this time I didn’t…

  • Air Fryer Recipe #1 General Tso Chicken

    And the verdict is in, everyone needs an air fryer. For Christmas my mother got me the Farberware 3.2qt air fryer. We were finally able to use it this weekend and I am sold, hooked, obessessed whatever you want to…

  • Me and my Omega

    I am in love! This Christmas my husband got me the Omega® j8006hdc Juicer and only one week later, I can 100% say this was worth the investment. I didn’t waste any time and went to the fridge on Christmas…

  • 7 Questions to help you choose the right planner.

    Selecting the perfect planner isn’t a big deal, or is it? Finding a planner that works is not a one size fits all situation. And in my opinion this is the reason, why many find planning in advance and maintaining…

  • Hello world!

    Wow, so the day has finally come where I get to share my kind of crazy with the world. Lets hit the ground running; I’m Lindsay, I’m married, 35 years old, and live just outside of Boston. I am a…