
A life of leisure.

I wish I had … I want… I need … but how exactly do I get one?! and still have money to live, eat and travel and do all the things I want to do with this supposed Life of Leisure. This is something I am really struggling with as I hope to get this blog off the ground, while living a life with less stress, more happiness – overall, general sense of well-being. Kind of seems counter-intuitive at first glance, I want to have more free time, which means work less so how can I still have money to do all other things I want to do. Some of this can be resolved being spending less, paying off credit card debt and building my retirement, but that also take time. What I really need is to find something I enjoy, so that is seems less like work… Easy peasy, right!?!

Obviously not… I am not a spring chicken, I am mid-thirties with an established career, and cant really start over but quiet frankly I don’t really enjoy my career. It wasn’t my first choice by a long shot. So what is next, I need to find a way to incorporate more of what I enjoy, and find a way to do more of what I love and maybe even make some money doing it. The first unintentional step in this process was finding a job with less stress and less responsibility. I was able to do that, its still a lot more hours that I want to be spending at a day job, but I do enjoy the day to day for the most part.

I am probably just over thinking everything, this whole blog thing isn’t necessarily about making money, it was always about getting out of the current comfort zone. Feeling more fulfilled. Being happy.