Hello world!
Wow, so the day has finally come where I get to share my kind of crazy with the world. Lets hit the ground running; I’m Lindsay, I’m married, 35 years old, and live just outside of Boston. I am a life long planner, time-blocker and list maker. Since a young age, I have always had a notebook or planner with a variety of colored pens within reach, detailing everything I needed to know and accomplish in the coming days, weeks and months. Having the discipline to sit down and gather my thoughts on a daily basis as well as keep to a schedule comes naturally. This is both a blessing and a curse because I am also stickler for punctuality, and don’t always handle change well.
…like they say if you’re on time, you’re already late.
I am, like many Xennials, not 100% dependent on technology. I actually still carry around a planner and write it in daily, but can without hesitation spend hours mindlessly scrolling through Instagram. For me finding a planner that works, took much trial and tribulation. In my opinion, choosing a planner should be personal but knowing what you are looking for going in will help as well. I would expect to waste some time and money on a few duds before finding the perfect match but it will be worth the wait. Through the trial and error you will also find what works for you and what doesn’t, my hope is I can help you in the right direction, and share with people the tools that help me stay organized, eat healthy and reach my goals.
Here is my 2018-2019 planner. This is my new favorite by Fringe Studios. I got this one at HomeGoods, but they can also be purchased here.
Now I won’t sit here, lie to you and say there was never a point in my life that I didn’t fall off the wagon, go rogue and show up late or not at all for that matter. I definitely have at different points thought – I don’t have the time, or see I don’t see the value in keeping a schedule. I think the most notable period in my life, and where I felt I was the most out of control was when I went off to college and the few years that followed. I definitely learned some valuable lessons during this time. The biggest takeaway for me, and one I continue to carry with me, is the need for a well documented plan. Without a plan, a goal, no matter how big or small will be even difficult to attain. As a result, it will also be more challenging to be being successful in other areas of your life. Being organized and disciplined is so critical to leading a successful, healthy, and happy life. And it doesn’t need to take a lot time.
Make sure to sign up for email notifications of new posts. Next week I will be sharing my tips on finding the perfect planner to fit your needs.
I am not sure what niche exactly this blog will fall into, I am thinking probably a food leaning personal blog. I am also not sure how often I will show my face, but I will always show what is going on in the kitchen (its a very busy place) and share my personal experiences with staying organized. This blog I hope will be a place for me to share my meal plans, groceries list, and recipes along with all the things that play a significant role in my life. My hope is it to have plenty of new content each week. Mondays, I will post the weeks meal plans, grocery list and recipes. And a bi-weekly Travel Thursday post, to relive all the trips we have taken and those we have yet to take. There will also be a whole lot of other stuff thrown in between.
So welcome! Hope you enjoy.

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